czwartek, 4 maja 2017

Bucharest - The Little Paris

Bucharest which is located in the southern part of the country became the capital of Romania in 1862. It has about 2 million inhabitants. Over the centuries it has earned the unoffical name of  " The Little Paris"  because  of the amazing architecture which is a mix of the different architectural styles. Buildings were built in the period between two World Wars. You can find buildings at its characteristic style everywhere which make Bucharest very interesting city. Unfortunatelly, a lot of buildings were demaged during the war and sometimes even because of the earthquakes. The most powerful earthquake took place in 1977 and it had a magnitude of 7.2. Because of the last one, a great amount of buildings were demaged and about 33 large buildings collapsed. Down below you can see the pictures of "The Little Paris" and see why Bucharest gained this nickname.

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